Thursday, November 11, 2004

Romeo + Juliet

This is the Baz Luhrmann version with Leo and Claire. This is certainly one of the movies that have had a major impact on how I view film. Even though it isn't Baz's best work (that would be Moulin Rouge) it has a certain flair and style, merging these two worlds into some new thing entirely its own. Teh reason why it works is the same reason anythign by Baz Luhrmann works: he's unapologetic in his delivery. Teh whole world could stand up in disgust, and he wouldn't care. You have to admire balls like that. Among the other things that certainly influences the apeal of this movie is the fact that it came out right around that time that I was becoming aware of the world around me in terms of movies and music, finding my own taste, and also at that time where I was turning into a full-blown teenager with acne, relationships (or lack thereof), mood swings, angst, frustration, and so on. This came at the right time to epitomize all that.

Total: 136

Ladri di Biciclette (Bicycle Thieves)

The copy that we watched looked like it had been mastered (it was on VHS) from about five different reels, some of which were subtitled, others which were not. The subtitles would drop out at some very inoportune moments leaving long stretches of important dialogue (I'd like to assume) untranslated. However, I must mention, due to the simplicity of the story and the characters, their everyday-ness, much of what they say can be inferred anyway. Knowing before hand that the two main characters were not trained actors, I was amazed at how fluid their performances seemed. Maybe that's teh Italians for you, less culturally self-conscious about things like cameras and being watched. It would make perfect sense if that were the case. Throughout the film I was consciously impressed by how crowded it was, knowing that those crowds were the real every-day crowds of Rome.

Total: 135

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Bourne Supremacy

Once againI've managed ot write out a fair bit of commentsary on a movie, and then shut the window by accident, thusly losing all my writing. I really liked the first one, and the second one is certainly a worthy sequel. It reminds of of why Bond was good in the first place. I'm caring less and less about watching people doing crap in front of a blue screen, or being CG'd in, unless we're talking Hellboy or Spiderman and their like which are structurally an entirely different story (fogive the pun). I could go on for days.

Total: 134

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Erin Brockovich

I don't really know what's up eith the current run of movies aside form the fat that my dad brought home a stack of DVDs that are normally at school with him for his classes, and I've been in need of somethign to quell my thirst for film, and use as a plausable excuse for not studying.
When I became conscious of the fact that Soderbergh directed this movie it did somethign to me. Most of that somethign is found in a realization of the fact that it doesn't matter who directs a Julia Roberts movie, it's going to be built around her and a director is there almost as a formality.
I remember when this came out I heard dozens and dozens of comments in the media focusing on the profanity and her outfits since Roberts is a national institution. the only line that surprised me to hear coming out of Julia's mouth was the comment about 643 blowjobs in five days.

Total: 133

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I'm tired and I don't want to forget to put this up so my comments will be brief. Civil War movie filmed in the late 80's, earned three Oscars in 1989, and shows both the care and concern that went in and the telltale signs of pre-DVD productions. Very good, but a lower budget than we're used to in these sort of stories in the post-Braveheart world.

Total: 132

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Incredibles

I just have to say first that they did NOT run the Episode III trailer before hand, and I seriously considered walking out and getting a refund, then coming back tomorrow. I'm glad I stayed for the movie, but at the same time the same movie would have been there tomorrow, possibly plus Episode III. Anyway...
This movie really does hold pretty much everything I could ask for from an animated movie that doesn't involve Miazaki. One, it's been put together by Pixar, lords among animators, and really the seminal computer animation team. Two, it's directed by Brad Bird, the man responsible for The Iron Giant, which is quite easily among my favorite movies of all time, has been there for a while, and is expected to stay there for quite a while more. There is something about Brad Bird's films (all two of them) that has left me able to admit the flaws of the product, but at the same time feeling like I just watched something that's involved so much love and care, that you know you're seeing something special. Aswell, it certainly helps that he has a firm grasp of character and the little things that make them special.
Quite certainly worth your money, even at a first-run theatre. Definetly one to bring your date too.

Total: 131

Supersize Me

This is the second time I've seen this movie, and the first time I've seen the first three or four minutes of it. Not that those minutes really change much of anythign, but it's a nice cohesive feeling. Morgan Spurloch poisons himself for the sake of entertainment ans editorial. It really is one of the ballsiest movies out there right now, and certainly commendable for the respect it's garnered.

Total: 130

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I love movies. I especially love watching movies in the theatre. Somethign about the experience of paying money to put up with anoying employees (yes, I know where the theatre is. I knew where they were when I came in four days ago, I knew where they were when I came in last week, I know where they are still), dumb advertisments and trivia slides (which have managed to get more irritating jsut within the last month with a shorter rotation cycle, sync'd music, and the inclusion of C2 commercials, meaning you hear the same three songs, see the same two trivia sides, and watch the same commercial, with the same four advertisments at least twice apiece if you arrive with any time before the movie starts), a painful seat, and no pause button makes movies more enjoyable for me. I'm probably crazy.
I really enjoyed watching this movie. I was torn between this and purpously subjecting myself to pain with Resident Evil: Apocalypse or watching this which I've had on good report is an excellent film. Which it is. I really enjoyed watching it. I found myself looking forward to what was going to happen, how it was going to end. It's actualyl kinda rare for me to be feelign that through a movie. I generally know how most movies are going to fall together before hand, largly just as a function of having seen so many movies. I'm not sayinf I was surprised by the ending, as it's not meant to be a surprise, and there was the general knowledge of "yah, they'll survive" just because it's that kind of movie, but I found myself looking forward to how they would get there.
I do share the sentiments of many people in trying to figure out when Jamie Foxx woke up and decided to learn how to act. I am far from disappointed, but it is surprising that this is the same guy who brought us Booty Call with a character named "Bunz".

Total: 129