Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Big Lebowski

There's actually a whole class at my university dedicated to the films of Joel and Ethan Coen, but it was cancelled a week ago. I'm sure the people who were enrolled are very upset about that. I would be. I love these guys' work.
"Smokey, this is bowling, not 'Nam: there are rules here."
I'm not sure if I can quite pinpoint what it is right now about their films that gives them their draw. Is it the characters? The directing? The script? Logically, the answer is a combination between all of the above. Films are built of all these different building blocks, and those in themselves come together through a collaborative effort. The Coen Brothers just happen to keep a lot more of the formal collaboration within themselves, as is apparent from the "written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen." With that there's, I suppose, a sort of cohesiveness that has opportunity to blossom that wouldn't otherwise. In other words, all those little things that go into a movie agree a lot more than normal. The director never has to sit there and wonder "I wonder why the writer decided to write it in this order" because he was the one who wrote it. At least, that's what I see in my mind. In reality they still need to go through the process of finding a producer, and communicating their ideas to the producer, crew, and cast.

Total: 103


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethan produces; Joel directs.

At least, that's how they always list it in the credits.


September 3, 2004 at 7:08 PM  

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