Monday, August 30, 2004


An adaptation of Jack Wyland's book of the same name, this is a first class tear-jerker that is best watched after you've had your heart broken. You'll feel much better aobut your own situation afterwards. Aimed principally at a Mormon audience, it manages to separate itself from the ranks of "Single's Ward" and "The RM" by using the sub-culture as a backdrop and texture rather than a punchline. Except for one scene, which I absolutely loved for it's timing and truism, where Charly, while sitting in a class where the topic of the day is "Strengthening your marriage," adds "Sam and I like to make love" to a list containing "gardening" and "going for walks." It's only funny if you understand that alot of Mormons are so shy about sexuality that it's uncomfortable to speak about even in appropriate terms.
Still, in spit of how well it caters to its target audience, I would recommend this for anyone looking for a good evening of life-affirming tears.

Total: 97


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