I have a small confession to make. Brad Pitt is my hero. Okay, maybe not my hero, and I say things like that often enough that it's not really a confession. I've loved his work ever since 12 Monkeys (which I havn't seen in a while, note for pay day...) and have taken the good and the bad in stride. The thing that threw me off for a long time (I didn't see 12 Monkeys until it was well past new) was that he was a pin up face in the girls lockers at the same time as that kid from Home Improvement, and I hated him. As a general rule through my life I've considered the phrases "teen idol" and "mediocre hack" to be somewhat sysnonymous, at least in the "all widgets are wikkits, but not all wikkits are widgets" way. I mean, let's break this down:
The Spice Girls - can't really sing, but they're willing to gyrate on stage for million of horny boys and tell all the little girls that this is "Girl Power" winning the favor of the girls because "they're famous and successful women."
The Backstreet Boys - can harmonize okay, but aren't stretching anythign vocally, stylistically, or intellectually. Not inept dancers, but they're certainly not channeling Tina Turner.
Jonothan Taylor Thomas - can't act very well, can't sing, can't dance. Can pose for a poster with his shirt off and his boxers hanging out very well.
Hillary Duff - how do I put this in a way that can scathe as many people as possible in as little space? Spears and Aguilera got out of control, so Disney let them go and built Duff to replace them, implanting chips into her brain rendering her into a total slave to their wims, ensuring she won't go renegade like the two previous versions.
He didn't have things stacked in his favor. I suppose I'm sacrificing my point in order to slam the pop culture I hate. I'll stop and get ot the movie. Brad Pitt can normally act.
Troy feels like the majority of the cuts included were the 87th takes: the actors were tired of pouring their emotions into it and were just doing it to get it done. tehre are moments where things shine through, the story isn't THAT BAD, but generally it just feels detatched and uninvolving. Plus Orlando Bloom's character is a total whiner. I hate whiners.
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