As much as I love the Blade Runners and Fight Clubs of the cinema world, every now and then we need a movie that has no great depth, is fairly predictable, or at least assumable, meaning that we can take certainthings for granted ie the good guys win and the bad guys lose. This is where movies like Hidalgo come in. They're made with a love that almost makes you believe that money never came up as a motivation. But seeing as this is an industry and people do this for a living, we know that 99.9% of the movies we see aren't some giant UNICEF box. Whatever, Hidalgo will probably not find it's way into my permanent collection, but it did a really good job at entertaining us for the evening.
Viggo Mortensen is believable as a half Sioux half white cowboy. Believable enough that you don't wonder why he doesn't just pull out his sword and off these guys. Hidalgo is a horse, so we had alot of fun making jokes about going to see a horse movie. There was also a tall guy sitting all alone right in front of me, so I had to keep leaning around his lonely bitter head to read the subtitles when people were talking in Sioux and Arabic. He turned around and snapped at me when we were talking through the trailers. It's not my fault he's going to the movies alone.
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